Thursday, September 13, 2007

The art of decision making

Every task that we do in life is definitely a challenge in one way or the other. The challenge may arise at different junctures. It can be when you receive a task in hand, or when you explore alternatives, or when you execute it; but ultimately in each every step in the process of executing a task we make decisions. Decisions - whether or not to take the task, in the first case; how to go about it, what to do, when to do, how to do and with whom to do it. Taking the right decisions at the right time can make or break your success. So, let’s talk about the art of decision making and how to achieve success by taking the right ones:

  • First and foremost, foresee if you can stand by your decision till the very end; although “Impossible is nothing”, there are a few instances and circumstances when certain parameters will be out of your reach.

  • The more opposition you expect to a decision, the more important it is to choose the right moment

  • Beware of cheating paralysis with analysis

  • DO NOT stampede into a decision without exploring alternatives; PLAN – B is very important

  • If waiting will eliminate an option, decide now and decide wisely

  • When making your decision DO NOT ignore your instincts; because at times your ESP can do wonders to you

  • Set a deadline; decisions without a deadline is like a bike without a brake

  • And finally when you do act, act forcefully; sometimes even unwise decisions with a convergent force can beat the odds

Decision making is a distinct art, which does not have any specific road maps that can lead to success, but the above mentioned were some of the finds from my real life experience.

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