Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Just do it!!!

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enthusiasm is the aspect that drives you to do something unique; if not unique at least different from what you were doing; if not different at least something which you have not tried so far. The below picture was something which I tried out of my way:

Neither the best of compilations, nor the best of artistry. But the best I could do with the image portfolio that I had. Now the point of discussion here is not that I started something new, but a couple of inspirational and motivating messages that I received.

Let me go back a little. I was kind of reluctant to publicize this amateur work of mine, but restraining myself from doing that will lead me nowhere. So, after some serious deliberation I sent it out to my "Shaving Set" (that's what we named our closed friends group as). First hour and a half no comments from the group. I surmised that my work was just a piece of crap. But in the 2 hours, I was poured with appreciations; not for the great work that I had done, but definitely for other reasons viz. my patience in compiling this stuff, my thought process, my courage in sharing this with others etc.

It did not stop there - some of my best buddies also came up with suggestions after seriously! analyzing the content and quality of the picture. That was enough for me (Idhu podhume enakku!!!) to get inspired and motivated for some experiments like this. The above scenario is just one of those petty instance that I have quoted. But there were several other instance when a lot in my life had depended over it.

The moral here is people like this can really drive your enthusiasm to reach places which you would have only dreamt of. They are the ones whom I envy, they are the people who stir & motivate me, and they are the ones who drive me to do the unthinkable.


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