Thursday, August 30, 2007

Home Sweet Home

“Veetai Katti paar; Kalyanam panni paar”, this is how a Tamil saying goes to elucidate the intricacies involved in performing a wedding and building a house. I personally felt that this was kind of an exaggeration given the fast moving nature of the world. I was proved wrong very recently, but the final outcome was my “Home Sweet Home”

Building a house of his own was my dad’s dream for almost 2 decades and it was eluding him for all his life. This was because he was moving to different places; thanks to the nature of his job. Finally he decided materialize it about 4 months back. The journey began there and there were a lot of ups and downs during this 4 month period.

Ours is a two-bedroom independent house in a residential area in Udumalpet (for those of you who do not know Udumalpet, it is a 2 hour drive from Coimbatore). A lot of planning and debates and fights have gone in to the construction of this house of ours, as ideas were pouring from various corners. My dad wanted to keep the house straight and simple with a “no frills attached” tag; but I and my brother in particular had different ideas.

Although our contribution in terms of the plan and the construction was very less, both me and my brother took pains in getting the home a “no complaints place”. We took utmost care in making the home beautiful and at the same time not to affect the sentiments of our parents.

With me being placed in Hyderabad and my brother in Mumbai it was difficult for us to oversee the developments and the way in which our home was coming up; but technology helped us a lot in sending the designs and colors that we desired for different rooms of our home and in-turn made my dad techno-savvy.

Finally the d-day came and when the final moment came my dad was a “proud man”. I have never seen him so happy and feeling proud of his work, but yet modest after seeing his longstanding dream come true. All those people who built their houses will definitely agree to this.

That’s not the end of the story. I’ll follow-up this blog with the small tour that I and my friends made to Top-slips and all the fun that we had there.

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