Friday, August 3, 2007

Serious Siddhuisms

Siddhuism - This new word came into existence a couple of years back and all the credit goes to Navjot Singh Siddhu, the guy with a “big mouth” and a “short fuse” from Punjab. All his statements of sarcasm and ridicule have evoked by-far the loudest of laughter, but there always is a serious element and philosophy behind his words. So, another guy from Tamilnadu with a “sharp tongue” and (again) a “short fuse” (yeah, that’s me) is trying to consolidate these Siddhuisms from various other people as well.
  • Ravi Shastri says “A team is like Chicken Biriyani; it is not always about the chicken and the rice”. Does not need much of an explanation, yes this statement was uttered by him when there was a discussion about individual performances in the Indian Cricket team.
  • One of my US counterparts says “Don’t piss on my legs and say that it is raining”. Not able to decode the statement, this came from the American dude when he was being annoyed by someone and that “someone” told that it was all for the “greater good”
  • Back to the originator’s words: “You cannot make Omelets without breaking the eggs”. You’ve gotta break a couple of hearts or even more to achieve your objective
  • One more from the horse’s mouth, “Fattest pigs go to the butcher first” a simple way of explaining Darwin’s theory of “Survival of the fittest”
  • And finally my personal favorite, which you would have already seen in this blog; “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think its hell”

It seems to be simple words told in a flow, but speaks volumes when these simple statements are interpreted the way we want them to sound like. Cool!!!

1 comment:

Karthik said...

The US counter part was funny ...even i come across daily when i loose the order for we loose the order for our attitude we just balme it on the price...Damn Good one