Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Out of the blue

It has been almost 25 months since I last visited my blog page, and when I look back at these 25 months, I've had some 30+ occasions when I felt like writing something, started it off with a draft - but never had the patience and interest of finishing it off. Now, that is what I call LAZINESS.

One primary reason for the laziness is about the scepticism about the interest for this page; but lately realized that blogs are not always meant to be interesting and read - it can even just serve a page to talk something funny, crib about something, leave a trivia, etc. etc...

I am trying to draw inspiration from some of my fellow blog writers to make a continuous contribution (or rather bore you guys with my sometimes really uninteresting episodes), and I promise that this second start will not go back in to dormancy (Let me see for how long I can keep up this promise). Nevertheless, I'm still labelling this post as "Comebacks"

Expecting your valuable comments, criticism, and appreciation.