Monday, August 6, 2007

To Kill a Mockingbird!!!

“It is a competitive world”

Sure, you would agree with the first sentence of this blog. The world has become increasingly competitive because of various factors. The world here refers to all the various aspects, arrays and fields available. May it be business, countries, economies, brands, people, sports, corporate etc. the competitiveness between the players has increased multifold. Everyone wants to outfit the other and emerge as a leader.

Due to the increasing competition the aggressiveness of the participants has also augmented and these days rather than winning over the competition, “running over the competition” has become the name of the game in today’s world. You or me as an individual would have definitely seen such instances in our work environment, where people would want to “eliminate” the competitor by a mere hook or crook. Although there are other factors that supplement this attitude of the accomplice, the “attitude” by itself is what drives this phenomenon.

Let us not take any serious examples of the business environment or a nation (which is brought to daylight by the news & media), but I have a live case to present to you. This has created waves in the sports columns of many a newspaper and sure it has to. This is the “Indian Cricket League” (A Zee Telefilms entity) which was formed as a competitor for the BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India).

For a very long period we (me and a lot of people whom I know) have been criticizing the functioning of the BCCI and the day has come when someone actually came forward to “bell the cat”. There is a lot of support for this new initiative and many old stalwarts of cricket have come forward to support the genesis of the ICL. Seasoned cricketers in the likes of Brian Lara, Tony Greig, Kapil Dev, Kiran More and also a ring of new blood that includes Ambati Rayadu, Vinay Kumar, Anirudh Singh (All of then represented the U-19 Indian team).

But look at what is being to this enthusiastic new comer. It is being battered and trashed by the “big boys” of the Indian Cricketing Tyranny league. They tried killing this ambitious lot right at the time when this “league of extraordinary cricketers” (a little exaggerated, but…) was formed; they failed, and now they are beginning a new innings with a vengeance to halt this provocative enterprise. They have literally threatened the names associated with this league and they have christened them as “outlaws”.

What the hell is happening here? Is this the way to deal with competition? Any ambitious new-comer is here to achieve something new; something their predecessors were not able to achieve or to set a new benchmark for their successors. If you do not have the guts to face your competitor, better get out of the way so that he/she/they can do what you were not able to?

I have always been from a different school of thoughts; “Respect thy enemy (competitor as well)”. If you begin to respect your enemy or competitor you will be able to discover a lot of hidden talents within yourselves that will equip you to perform better, rather than to use (misuse) your power and authority or play mind games with your upcoming competitor and get him out of the scene.

Some Trivia:

And now why this title; this was an inspiration drawn from the best-selling novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. One of the characters in the novel explains:
“Although they can "shoot all the bluejays they want," they must remember that "it's a sin to kill a mockingbird". It is a sin because mockingbirds do no harm. They only provide pleasure with their songs: "They don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us"


Karthik said...

i am still preplexed with the relevance of the topic to the main topic...!

Ganesh said...

A gud post... But champs like B C Lara will pay the slightest heed and will stay unruffled despite BCCI saying no pension..

But uearthing raw talent, which of course is the objective of ICL is getting spoilt...